On my walk the
other morning I passed by a beheaded pigeon body on the edge of a lawn brushing
up against the sidewalk. It was a little
disconcerting – although not nearly as much as it was for the dead dove I’m sure.
I paused
briefly to take in the sight – I mean it’s not something that I see everyday –
and continued home. However when I
mentioned it to Mars later I noticed that my tone of voice seemed to be
implying that it was nothing special.
Later, on our
way out to run errands, I spotted what looked like a small pile of snow in our
front yard. But it turned out to be, on
closer inspection, a mini-mound of pale gray and white feathers – apparently
the end-product of a scuffle between a pigeon (what else in our realm has those
colorless plumes?) and a predator of some form – hawks that we’ve seen
circling over the ‘hood perhaps, or Tillie the cat from across the street.
Like the more
corporeal earlier crime scene there were no signs of blood, or any indication
of who or what the perp might be. I had
been ready to let the first incident fade into the quickly-forgotten-incidents
portion of my brain but the second occurrence reinforced my original notion
that something unusual was going on here.
So I asked the Great Google “who beheads pigeons?” and found, as I
frequently do, that the Internet has all of the answers and therefore none of
typical of a cat attack.
“I've never
seen a cat behead a bird.
“Hawks also
will decapitate birds, but they usually eat the heads. We get a fair # of calls
from people that they found birds in their yard with no head.
“Beheading is
a trademark of a weasel kill
“Cats tend to
take the heads off their prey, but the heads are usually chewed.
"Raptors ignore
the head and eat all the meat off the breast, typically leaving a carcase [sic]
lying flat on it's back with all the breast missing. They also pluck their prey
and masses of feathers are left lying at the scene.
“Typical of
beheading birds are the corvid family - crows etc. And crows will hunt, attack and kill pigeons
“The head of
an animal is a favorite part for raptors (sorry to share this but the second
favorite part are testicles)."
Don’t care to
know about that last piece of evidence – I did not go back to more closely
scrutinize the initial “vic” – nor did I re-search the Internet for a graphic
depiction of what I would have hoped not to see.
So I resigned
myself to never knowing “whodunit?”
After all I
shouldn’t have been walking in that place at that time anyway – and would not
have been there except that (1) Mars and I had each spent a largely sleepless
night after accidentally imbibing non-decaf coffee at my garden club’s holiday
party and (2) our luncheon plans with a friend for the following day had been
cancelled; which freed us up to go to a book discussion about Maurice Sendak’s
“In the Night Kitchen” at a local art museum; which in turn necessitated a trip
to our local library for a copy to read.
Too tired to do a “real workout” at the gym I trekked by foot to the
public book dispensary instead.

We reread the
now classic hardback that night – having probably not looked at it since
regaling our son with the story in the mid seventies. Then at the book-talk we learned, among
other things, that the three identical looking bakers – who reminded Mars and
me of early film comedian Oliver Hardy (“Laurel and …”) – were intended to be
Adolph Hitler, and that the story represented, at least in part, the holocaust.
Who knew that
all those years ago Mars and I had innocently exposed our innocent offspring to
metaphor? Which got me to thinking – maybe I was taking the whole bird
dismemberment thing too literally.
Trying to find out what “really” happened to the poor creatures when
instead I should have been looking for the allegorical story that these two
gruesome incidents were trying to convey to me.
On my home
computer I found an online article called “Headless Bird Symbol dream
interpretations” which provided a myriad of avian dream interpretations – “If a
bird flies into one's hand in a dream, it means glad tidings. A bird in a dream
also means work. An unknown bird in a dream means a warning, an advice or an
admonition. If one's bird looks beautiful in a dream, it denotes the quality of
his work. If one sees himself in a dream carrying an ugly looking bird, it also
denotes the quality of his actions or that a messenger may bring him good news.
An unknown bird means profits” – none of which, in spite of the essay’s title,
were even remotely related to detached budgie crania.
So here is the
subtext of these past day’s experiences as I interpret it. The message for me is – no matter what, I
should stick to my routine and go the gym every morning at the regular time. I never see any wild life anomalies when I’m
cruising along on the elliptical machine.
When we first retired Mars and I decided that our daily workout would be
the one part of our lives that was scheduled.
This would keep us in good health – and allow us ample time to engage
and embrace the unplanned, the unknown, and the unexpected aspects of life.
But not all of
them. Sometimes trying to figure out how
new things fit into our ever-evolving view of the world can just lead me right
down the rabbit hole – speaking of another story that probably doesn’t mean
what I think it does.